New methods of treatment – thanks to innovation and our expertise

State-of-the-art laser technology, consolidated at our laser centre– customised to your individual wishes.
We would be happy to show you how you can get rid of little wrinkles, troublesome skin and vascular changes, or tattoos.

Hautprofil Laser BehandlungTo remove fine vascular changes, we use a KTP laser which is also suitable for the special treatment of children since it is particularly gentle to the skin. This way, we can very effectively treat couperose, rosacea and red veins as well as spider veins, spider naevi and angiomas.

For deeper vascular changes, such as haemangiomas, port-wine stains and varicosis, the Nd:Yag laser is used.

Tattoos, pigmented and age spots, freckles, chloasma (hyper-pigmentation) and lentigo (lenticular spots) can be removed with a special ruby laser.

We also use cutting-edge technology when it comes to removing cosmetically disturbing and excessive growth of dark hair (hypertrichosis).

Hautprofil Dermatologie-Laser

The erbium laser is used to remove and even out raised skin changes like fibromas (benign growths), milia (whiteheads) and seborrhoeic wartswithout scarring.

With our fractional laser, the “Fraxel laser”, we are well equipped to perform skin rejuvenation and treat scars aesthetically.

For photodynamic therapy (PDT) and collagen stimulation therapy, we have an LED system at our disposal which offers extremely gentle and almost painless treatment.

But please be aware: Even ultramodern lasers may pose health risks. Diagnosis, choice of therapy and actual treatment should only be performed in a specially equipped practice and by a team of doctors with corresponding certification. Based on our medical laser equipment and long-standing experience, we are able to offer you the highest level of security within the scope of multi-faceted treatment options.

Our team, which is led by Dr. Christina König, will provide you detailed guidance, inform you about risks and potential outcomes, and perform every treatment effectively and competently.


Termine nach Vereinbarung

Telefon : +49 (0) 40 / 60 09 07 60
Fax : +49 (0) 40 / 600 90 76 22

Wellingsbütteler Markt 1
22391 Hamburg
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